Sunrisen's Life
Part 1:
It was a lovely day at Jamaa, the most famous, fiercest and brave family had celebrated, The Gekkō Family, they were very nice and very rich, they celebrated with the rich and poor, they help the needy, and gave almost half of the whole Jamaa to other kingdoms, they let others live in there huge castle..
One Day, the lovely family's queen, Kerma, was going to have a baby! Oh what a wish come true, it was Sunrisen! In the spirit world, Sunrisen was preparing, "Oh, I don't know, what if I'll be tortured and no one will like me?" Sunrisen asked to her beast friend, Sunseat, "It'll be o.k., believe on what you believe in and it will be...." Just before she could finish her sentence, Sunrisen was born! "Oh what a beautiful baby she is!" Said Queen Kerma, "We will name her Sunrisen, for she is born in the Sunrise! We will celebrate!" Said King Pearl.
That night, five fairies were invited, well, the other couldn't find her invitation because the invitation flew out the window when the mailman delivered it. The four fairies went to the castle and left the other one alone, there names were Thern, Ferl, Erla, and Blu, the one left out was Jewel. Sunrisen was blessed with Beauty, Strength and Bravery, just before Blue could bless her, Jewel went inside and said "How dare thee not letting me to join thy celebration! For a punishment, this very castle shall be burned by a dragon on her eighteenth birthday! Everyone will be asleep and the dragon will burn the place!" and disappeared quickly. "My king and queen," Said Blue, "I cannot reverse the spell, but I may be able to bless her not to be killed." and the King and Queen stopped worrying. They sent nights to kill all the dragons they saw.
Sunrisen was beautiful, strong, and brave, she was adored by many people. She was nice to everyone!
Part 2:
On her eighteenth birthday..
"There's fire! Everyone wake up!" I said, "Mama! Papa! Please wake up!" I screamed to my parents, I had to go out, outside a dragon was waiting. I got a sword and shield and went outside, "Dragon! I will slay thee! I shall not let ye get away! I will seek revenge for burning my home, and my pure treasure! I will slay you for killing my Family!" I jumped on it's back and put my sword on it's neck, it screeched a deafening "Argh!" and went down down down... Until..
"I killed it. I did it. I am the only survivor and the last descendant of the Gekkō Family.. I am now Alone.." I thought, I walked millions and millions of miles telling everyone it was me, but they didn't believe me. They thought I was a poor girl dressed up as a knight to get money. I told them because I was lonely and I needed someone to accompany me.
I thought about it under a tree, "My life is ruined, I'm dead, This is just wrong! Oh Sunseat, I thought my life will be O.k.!" I cried to the heavens while crying. "this is it, I cannot handle anymore! I give up!" I told myself putting my paws on my face. Then, a white thing went into my ear saying "I am Zelda, your spirit fairy, I am now your fairy, and I have something to tell you, Be of good cheer, you are a survivor, you lived, don't give up hope now, I know a castle near here where you can stay, It is owned by Queen Peppy Roil, you can ask her if you can stay there, so don't give up now, you can do it. Believe on what's right and never give up hope. That's what Sunseat told you after you left." I agreed with the Fairy, Zelda, and now Here I am. Living and believing and never giving up hope.
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